René Chénier
Isabelle Limoge
Cinematography and Technical Director
Bruno Colpron
Assistant director
Isabelle Pruneau-Brunet
Original Music score
Robert Marcel Lepage Assisté par Nicolas Borycki
Sound design
Benoit Dame
Assisté par Catherine Van Der Donkct
Editor and chief 360 ̊graphic designer for the dome
Sindre Ulvik-Péladeau
Graphic design and post-production
Sindre Ulvik-Péladeau,
Bruno Colpron,
Sébastien Gravel,
Sarah Ouellet et Serge Verreault
Circus artists
Andréanne Nadeau (cerceau aérien)
Justin Dale (roue Cyr)
« … it's art to the power of 10 » - La Presse, Montréal.
« Kyma looks absolutely stunning… hypnotic! » MIFF, Melbourne Planetarium
«Spectacular! » Société Radio-Canada
« Blown away, touched & inspired» - Est Montréal
I saw some very nice organic effects in a National Film Board of Canada film that I enjoyed ... lots of tank shots, dives and water effects, really beautiful, ... I evolve in this direction whenever I can.
Douglas Trumbull referring to Kyma in his Key Note address at the 10th edition of Imersa, Columbus Ohio, 2018
This astral journey from the atom to the Milky Way passes through Montreal and Baie-Saint-Paul, with music by Robert Marcel Lepage. It invites us to meditate on ecology, by changing the scale of the shots and offering the audience a kind of trance-like state... Here we are, leaping from one dimension to another, at times penetrating a single drop, then off into the cosmos... Is, Kyma, Power of Waves, beautiful?
Yes, like a visual and musical symphony brimming with inventive ideas, at times shot live, featuring acrobats in their hoops, an orchestra of musicians and landscapes mixed in with virtual imagery.
Odile Tremblay, Le Devoir, Montréal, 14 mai 2017
The mystery of the creative energy of life and the universe has always fuelled the imagination that produces artistic, scientific and philosophical achievements. And isn't it to the works of the imagination that we owe our ability to survive the absurd political and economic inequalities that in themselves make existence unbearable? Certain poets and musicians have offered us a diversity of languages to bear witness to this mysterious energy.
Few filmmakers, however, have taken the risk. KYMA is an exception. Its realization required a formidable blend of curiosity, vision and technical knowledge... not to mention the ability to unite these talents in a creative outlet supported by solid organizational skills and inspired direction.
Gathered on a hemispheric screen, animation, live action, spectacular images, music and sound effects unquestionably push the boundaries of creativity. But more than that, they provide viewers with the opportunity to recognize how lucky they are to be alive, witnessing the eternal, infinite beauty of the creative energy emanating from life and the universe.
Kyma is one of those exceptional films that, like a Rachmaninoff sonata, a Blake poem, a Riopelle painting or a metaphor by astrophysicist Hubert Reeves, can be seen and heard countless times without losing its ability to inspire and enlighten.
Kyma est l’un de ces films d’exception qui, à l’instar d’une sonate de Rachmaninoff, d’un poème de Blake, d’une toile de Riopelle ou d’une métaphore de l’astrophysicien Hubert Reeves, peut être vu et entendu d’innombrables fois sans perdre sa capacité d’inspirer et d’éclairer.
Martin Duckworth, 2018 Prix Réals recommendation
Making of